Worldfavor News & Updates

All the latest news about Worldfavor – we cover product, people, and company news here. (5)

Worldfavor is releasing a study exploring the state of SFDR reporting for investors

Worldfavor is releasing a study exploring the state of SFDR reporting for investors

Webinar – Supply chain sustainability: How to enable suppliers to understand and reduce emissions

Webinar – Supply chain sustainability: How to enable suppliers to understand and reduce emissions

New customer – AGE partners with Worldfavor to achieve carbon neutrality

New customer – AGE partners with Worldfavor to achieve carbon neutrality

The Swedish Tennis Federation awarded Role Model of the Year based on data in Worldfavor

The Swedish Tennis Federation awarded Role Model of the Year based on data in Worldfavor

CSO Lise Alm joined the Sustainability Talks podcast by Cordial to discuss developments in the ESG landscape

CSO Lise Alm joined the Sustainability Talks podcast by Cordial to discuss developments in the ESG landscape

New customer – Worldfavor supports fund manager StartGreen Capital on its sustainability journey

New customer – Worldfavor supports fund manager StartGreen Capital on its sustainability journey

Frida Emilsson nominated for Sweden's most influential people in sustainability

Frida Emilsson nominated for Sweden's most influential people in sustainability

Worldfavor Impact House set to open its doors in January 2023

Worldfavor Impact House set to open its doors in January 2023

Worldfavor teams meet fantastic talents at the SaaSiest Jobs Day

Worldfavor teams meet fantastic talents at the SaaSiest Jobs Day

CSO Lise Alm on solving the ESG challenges in the Alternative Insight podcast

CSO Lise Alm on solving the ESG challenges in the Alternative Insight podcast