Worldfavor Sustainability Blog

Sustainability news, insights, tips and the latest information about Worldfavor Sustainability Platform. (10)

4 reasons why standardizing ESG information is key for true impact

4 reasons why standardizing ESG information is key for true impact

Creating a sustainable cotton industry: 3 initiatives to get you started

Creating a sustainable cotton industry: 3 initiatives to get you started

7 sustainability trends in the food industry to watch out for

7 sustainability trends in the food industry to watch out for

Sustainability chat with Petra Wadström, CEO of Solvatten

Sustainability chat with Petra Wadström, CEO of Solvatten

5 reasons why VCs should help their portfolio companies integrate ESG

5 reasons why VCs should help their portfolio companies integrate ESG

Why venture capital firms need to integrate ESG

Why venture capital firms need to integrate ESG

Sustainability Chat with Sandra Hindskog, co-founder of Tjejer Kodar and Technigo

Sustainability Chat with Sandra Hindskog, co-founder of Tjejer Kodar and Technigo

7 new policies and regulations that will shape sustainability reporting in 2022

7 new policies and regulations that will shape sustainability reporting in 2022

Why is Human Rights Due Diligence important for businesses?

Why is Human Rights Due Diligence important for businesses?

Norway's Transparency Act: here's what you need to know

Norway's Transparency Act: here's what you need to know