PRI stands for the Principles for Responsible Investment and is the United Nations’ framework to help investors to “understand the investment implications of environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors, and to support its international network of investor signatories in incorporating these factors into their investment and ownership decisions.” In this blog post, we will walk you through the topic and answer what PRI is, and what the next step for you as an investor wanting to comply is.
The aim and purpose of PRI
The UN Principles for Responsible Investment or the PRI is an international organization that works to promote the incorporation of environmental, social, and corporate governance factors (ESG factors) into investment decision-making, encouraging investors to take greater responsibility with their investments. A framework such as PRI makes it easier for investors to get an understanding of sustainable investments and how to make more responsible decisions.
Responsible investment – is according to the PRI – an investment approach that specifically acknowledges the relevance and impact that ESG factors have on investments and the long-term health and stability of the market as a whole. What all this means is that investors are stepping up and taking responsibility in regard to sustainability in their investments. Investing in the possibility of change, for the climate and the world.
If you want to get insight into trends and challenges of sustainable investing and collecting ESG data, you can easily download Worldfavor’s pulse study on the state of sustainable investments.
Investor signatories
PRI supports a network of international investor signatories seeking to incorporate ESG factors into their investment and ownership decisions through a combination of engagement, sharing of best practices, and learning. As an independent organization, PRI encourages investors to use responsible investing as a means to better manage risk and enhance returns while engaging with global policymakers. If this kind of forward-thinking investor is you, PRI is a great framework to comply with.
Key takeaways from PRIs report 2020:
The UN Principles for Responsible Investment is an organization dedicated to promoting environmental and social responsibility among the world’s investors.
The UN Principles for Responsible Investment relies on voluntary disclosures by participating members, called signatories.
Today, UN Principles for Responsible Investment signatories are responsible for over $100 trillion in assets worldwide, and include some of the world’s largest and most influential investors.
The PRI Principles were launched in April 2006 at the New York Stock Exchange with at the time only 100 signatories. By signing the Principles, investors agree to act in the best long-term interest of their beneficiaries and recognize the importance ESG factors have on investment portfolios.
When organizations become PRI signatories, agree to follow the six principles and additionally:
- Agree to mandatory reporting on their responsible investment activities.
- Agree to make these reports annually, if not something else is stated.
Reporting and assessments touch all PRI signatories irrespective of how:
- Big or small they are.
- Where they’re located.
- How advanced they are in their responsible investment journey.
The six principles for responsible investment
In implementing the principles, the signatories contribute to developing a more sustainable global financial system.
The principles that signatories must agree to are:
- We will incorporate ESG issues into investment analysis and decision-making processes.
- We will be active owners and incorporate ESG issues into our ownership policies and practices.
- We will seek appropriate disclosure on ESG issues by the entities in which we invest.
- We will promote acceptance and implementation of the Principles within the investment industry.
- We will work together to enhance our effectiveness in implementing the Principles.
- We will each report on our activities and progress towards implementing the Principles.
For more information about the principles check out PRIs website.
PRI Timeline for the coming years
For the 2021 reporting cycle, PRI piloted a new reporting system for signatories that was designed to streamline and improve the reporting process. After feedback from PRIs signatories, issues with specific areas in the reporting system resulted in some signatories not being able to submit a full and complete dataset, affecting the 2021 data quality.
In response to the issues, the PRI assessed the changes made to the reporting process and reevaluated how to improve this process to better meet signatories’ needs. To complete this review process and improve the quality of 2021 outputs, the PRI has taken a staged approach to release 2021 reports and delayed the next reporting cycle until 2023.
This resulted in that the next reporting cycle will not open until 2023. PRI will release the 2023 Reporting Framework in advance to allow signatories to prepare and writes that the postponing of the reporting until 2023 allows them the time they need to address the issues, to help reduce the time signatories spend on reporting, and improve the overall reporting user experience.
So, hopefully back and fully in order by 2023.
Next steps for you as an investor
You as an investor can use Worldfavor’s platform to get started with PRI compliance. We help you to follow up on any sustainability metrics that you need to report on, while guiding you to work with the PRI framework, making truly sustainable investments. Get a free demo with an expert today.
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