We had a chat with Johan Löfquist, our Sustainability data manager who has been around since 2017. We wanted to learn more about how it is to build a career in a start-up that transitions into a scale-up. Read on to pick Johans’ brains on his role at Worldfavor, his biggest learning from his first period working here and his view on future happenings in his life and team.
How was it to start at Worldfavor 5 years ago?
Wow, it was crazy! I came from a huge international IT company, used to have a company car and suit everyday into a "one room start-up" at Sup46 (Start-up people of Sweden). After the first day I was exhausted, after my first week I was in love with the people, the product and the atmosphere! I remember having so much energy, everything was possible as long as it helped getting new customers or creating more value for existing ones.
What were your biggest learnings from that period?
I used to think a start-up was a lot of whiteboard sessions and beer pong sessions with the tech team. I also remember thinking that start-ups benefited from having people with a broad set of skills and great ideas. But I quickly learned that what a start-up needs to do is to execute, execute, execute. To do so it needs people that are passionate and really good, regardless if its development, sales or marketing.
What was your role at the time and how has it evolved during the years?
I had a background in IT sales and was supposed to sell and prove a market fit. I also had an interest in CSR and had taken a few courses in CSV (creating shared value) and CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility). In 2017 we sold a digitalized ISO management and GRI G4 reporting tool. Companies still saw sustainability as cost and no one understood what climate change was. During the years I’ve been involved in most parts of our business but always focused on how to support our customers in the best way. Today I’m leading our Sustainability Data Team.
What does the sustainability data team do (I’ve heard you’re recruiting)?
We make sure that sustainability data, which is standardized in our platform, supports our users in the best possible way. This includes market research, analysis, quality assurance and creation. It's a fantastic job if you are nerdy about sustainability data and business needs. Right now we need people with a sustainable finance background and ESG specialists who like to work with quality assurance.
Finally, where will you be in 5 years' time?
Well... 5 years ago I was 28 years old and thought I would be a multi-millionaire by 30, who could cut down on work and be a part-time office manager/dog owner/yoga instructor at Worldfavor’s L.A. office. All jokes aside, what I have learned over the years is that feeling happy about going to work, being part of something great and meeting fantastic colleagues every day is a huge privilege. As long as I get to keep that the rest will sort itself out.