GHG Emissions: Learning tips on how to get control of your carbon footprint

The latest report from IPPC made it clear: the most important response to climate change is to decrease current greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) – and to do so quickly. If we fail, millions – or even billions – of people will be affected and many ecosystems our survival depends on will get demolished. We know what we have to do, and the real challenge is to figure out how to play our part in doing it.
It is no secret that the private sector has played a big part in contributing to the problem – but it also plays a crucial part in solving the problem.
Here are our hottest learning tips on how to get control of your carbon footprint:
Stay in the know with these 5 GHG emission reducing learning tips:
1. Worldfavor’s on-demand webinar: Calculate and measure your environmental footprint (GHG)
In our free, on-demand webinar, our sustainability experts go through the why, how, and what of calculating and measuring your GHG emissions. We will also show you how to kickstart your journey thanks to automation and digitization. By the end of the webinar, we can guarantee that you will know what steps to take to measure your emissions, how to interpret them, and thus future-proof your organization.
2. UN Climate Change recommendations for reducing greenhouse gas emissions
In this easy-to-digest guide, the UNFCC has listed their recommendations on what successful greenhouse gas management can look like, ranging from waste management to supply chain management. A great first-look for organizations just getting started on their GHG emission reduction journey. You can find it here.
3. UNCC’s list of simple initiatives that reduce your emissions
UN Climate Change has published a list of simple initiatives that can help companies to reduce their emissions – while having a positive financial impact. Organizations just starting to take climate action should make sure to check out UNFCC’s list of actions that can easily be implemented immediately regardless of organization. The list provides simple initiatives that help companies reduce their environmental footprint, while also having a positive financial impact. Doing good doesn’t have to be baffling!
4. World Resources Institute: Estimating and reporting the comparative emissions impacts of products
World Resource Institute (WRI) works with leaders in government, business and civil society to research, design, and carry out practical solutions that simultaneously improve people’s lives and ensure nature can thrive. This paper introduces their framework companies can use for estimating and disclosing the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions impact of a product (good or service). The intent of the framework is to help companies successfully identify important challenges, harmonize practices, and improve the credibility of their’ claims, including through the consideration of potential negative impacts. Check out the framework here.
5. Guide: How to start managing your supply chain emissions
Ready to get started with managing your supply chain carbon footprint? Then we got the perfect match for you! In Worldfavor's supply chain emissions guide, you will learn the fundamentals of calculating the emissions of your supply chains and how to get started with managing your supply chain's carbon footprint.
Calculate your GHG emissions in Worldfavor
Whether you're new to calculating your emissions or are looking for a platform to simplify the process, Worldfavor Sustainability Management is the natural choice! Discover the easiest way to calculate your climate footprint and minimize your emissions, while collaborating with your subsidiaries effortlessly. With a digital, ready-to-use solution you can start tracking environmental KPIs with the help and support of our expert team.
Related blog post you might like:
What are greenhouse gases (GHG) and how to minimize emissions
- What is the GHG Protocol?
- The growing carbon footprint of digitalization and how to control it