The ultimate glossary of sustainability terms and buzzwords – part 6

It doesn’t matter if you’re a newbie when it comes to sustainability reporting or if you’re old in the game, anyone can sometimes feel that the lingo is a bit tricky to keep up with. But do not despair!
Below we have collected six acronyms and buzzwords that you most probably will come across when you’re reading about sustainability reporting or are actually reporting yourself.
Download the complete Ultimate Glossary of Sustainability Buzzwords here!
Sustainability report
A sustainability report is a report published by a company or organization about the economic, environmental and social impacts caused by its everyday activities.
Further reading: Standards in Sustainability Reporting
Global reporting initiative (GRI)
GRI is an independent international organization that has pioneered sustainability reporting since 1997. GRI helps businesses and governments worldwide understand and communicate their impact on critical sustainability issues such as climate change, human rights, governance and social well-being.
Further reading: Global Reporting Initiative
Integrated reporting
A new approach to corporate reporting that integrates financial information and non-financial (environmental and social) information into a single document to show how a company is performing. The International Integrated Reporting Framework is used to accelerate the adoption of integrated reporting across the world.
Further reading: International Framework
Reporting frameworks
Sustainability reporting is a tool to increase transparency and accountability in the issues that traditional financial reporting is not dealing with. These include the linkages between environmental, social and economic issues as well as long-term perspective.
Further reading: The Top 5 Sustainability Reporting Frameworks You Should Know
Scope emissions
In order to calculate a carbon footprint, three types of emissions are differentiated: Scope 1 emissions are direct emissions produced by the burning of fuels of the emitter. Scope 2 emissions are indirect emissions generated by the electricity consumed and purchased by the emitter. Scope 3 emissions are indirect emissions produced by the emitter activity but owned and controlled by a different emitter from the one who reports on the emissions.
Further reading: What are scope emissions
Would you like to gain insights about the how, why and what of calculating and measuring your emissions? Watch our On Demand Webinar: Calculating and measuring environmental footprint (GHG) for free!
Sustainability accounting standards board (SASB)
SASB was founded in 2011 to develop and disseminate sustainability accounting standards. The aim of SASB is to connect businesses and investors on the financial impacts of sustainability.
Further reading: SASB
Do you want to learn more buzzwords in sustainability? Download the full buzzword guide for free, and share it with your colleagues and friends!
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