Pride Month is organized annually and globally during the month of June. 🌈 Its purpose is to raise awareness, foster equality and inclusiveness of the LGBTQI community and to recognize the influence that LGBTQI people have had around the world.
As a sustainably driven company, we strongly believe it’s important that we raise awareness about the social inequalities that the LGBTQI community around the world is faced with and what can be done to improve the situation. That’s why we think it’s important for us to take action on these issues.
Why are we (Worldfavor) doing this campaign?
As a company, Worldfavor stands for equal rights and opportunities for all and supports the diversity and inclusiveness of all sexual, gender and other minorities. In this sense, our campaign is an extension of our beliefs and internal sustainability work with a focus on social and personal sustainability.
How will the campaign be activated?
To raise awareness across our own channels, we at Worldfavor will swap our black and white logo to a rainbow logo in the Worldfavor platform, website and on our social media throughout the month of June. We will also share inspiration and knowledge about how companies can improve their inclusiveness through our blog and other social channels.
What is the intention of the donation and why does Worldfavor support RFSL?
We will make a donation to RFSL,The Swedish Federation for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer and Intersex Rights, to support initiatives in Sweden and around the world to promote the rights of LGBTQI people.
How does Worldfavor as a company represent these values?
Inclusiveness, consistency, compassion, and authenticity are some of the guiding words and principles for our culture and the way we want to build our company and culture. We have a gender equal board and a diverse team, it's something that we continuously want to maintain and develop.
Worldfavor was founded on the idea that every person and business can make a difference by being able to make truly sustainable decisions. Our platform allows you as an organization to collect data about inclusiveness, gain insight into and develop your own operations. It's one of our core beliefs and something that we stand for as a company.
The tech industry is often criticized when it comes to inclusivity and representation – what’s your view on this?
It’s true that the tech scene has a well-known diversity and inclusivity problem. This initiative is a first step from our side to drive change and like with all sustainability work, it’s better to start small than nothing at all. Our ambition is to work with these questions in a long term manner. It’s a part of our continuous, own sustainability journey.