Raising the bar for sustainability information – how sustainability information has become as important as financial information.
Sustainability data is becoming increasingly important for companies. In today’s ever-evolving world, debating whether to incorporate sustainability into your business strategy is no longer an option. This impacts the requirements for measuring and analyzing sustainability data within the organization and throughout the entire value chain. How can companies prepare for that?
Besides an intrinsic drive to provide full disclosure on their sustainability initiatives, organizations are also facing far-reaching EU legislation, such as the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation and the EU Taxonomy.
With all the focus on sustainability information from regulators, investors, financial institutions, and other stakeholders, sustainability information is starting to carry the same weight as financial information.
These are a few of the topics that we will cover during the 20th-anniversary edition of the National Sustainability Congress (the annual milestone for sustainable development in the Netherlands) in Amsterdam, taking place on November 11th.
The National Sustainability Congress is an annual meeting point for managers and professionals who want to make a difference. This is an independent event with an umbrella function for sustainable development – bringing together urgent challenges, innovative solutions, and inspiring personalities every year.
This year's theme is The Global Goals as a compass for Green Recovery. Worldfavor is proud to be one of the partners and to have our Frida Emilsson as one of the keynote speakers – highlighting how sustainability information has become as important as financial information. Join us in Amsterdam on November 11th.