Launching: Worldfavor report 2022 - The state of human rights due diligence in the supply chain

Worldfavor proudly present this year's report The state of human rights due diligence in the supply chain. The purpose of this report is to explore the current state of human rights due diligence in supply chains all over the world. The report offers insights about how organizations all over the world work with human rights, what challenges they have and what motivates them.
The report The state of Human rights due diligence in the supply chain was created by Worldfavor between April and May 2022, with the purpose to explore the current state of human rights due diligence in supply chains worldwide.
Over 80 respondents across the world conducted our survey that consisted of 17 multiple choice and open-ended questions about human rights in the supply chain. The survey was conducted in SurveyMonkey, sent out via email and shared via social media channels, such as Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn.
Key insights from the report:
- 78% Has a human rights policy in place.
- 43% States that limited resources is the key challenge when working with human rights in the supply chain.
- 2/5 Don't have a human right due diligence process in place despite being covered by the EU group 1 threshold.
- 56% Find it hard to collect information from their suppliers.
- 39% Uses direct communication such as email to collect and manage their supplier data.
- 6/10 Have a person or team responsible for supply chain sustainability.
- 39% States that the ability to meet regulations is the main driver for having a HRDD process.
If you want to read more about challenges and motivators when it comes to human rights due diligence in the supply chain - download the full report here.
If you want to gather more insights on the main challenges when it comes to sustainability reporting, you can read Worldfavors' report from last year - Navigating the Landscape of Sustainability Reporting.
For further information, please contact
My Morinder
PR & Communications Manager
+46 (0) 704-98 14 62